ArticleMarch | April 2020

Negative Online Reviews: Pause and Think Before You Respond

by David P. Atkins and Marcy Tench Stovall
CT Lawyer

Pullman & Comley Professional Liability practice attorneys David Atkins and Marcy Tench Stovall address the risks of law firms responding to negative online reviews in their recent article published in the March | April issue of the Connecticut Bar Association's CT Lawyer magazine. 

Responding publicly or privately online can be difficult to navigate. While there is a "self defense" exception, lawyers are obligated to keep client information confidential and will face disciplinary risks in going too far when refuting a negative client review. David and Mary point out that internet messaging is a blunt tool and sometimes good intentions can come across badly and backfire. "One way of threading this needle is to indicate in the public response that while you disagree with a former client’s descriptions, your professional obligations prevent you from responding publicly without the client’s consent."

Read the full article here.

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