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Posts tagged U.S. Department of Labor.
More Than a Remote Possibility: Why Your Remote Out of State Employees May Be Entitled to Federal FMLA Leave
Remote Employees
Important Wage Alert Regarding the DOL’s Final Rule Increasing the Salary Level for the Executive, Administrative and Professional Exemptions to $844/week ($43,888/year)
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The Current Status of the FTC Rule Banning Noncompete Covenants
New FTC Rule on Noncompetes
COBRA Update: Final COBRA Subsidy Termination Notices Now Due
DOL Officially Axes Independent Contractor Rule of Previous Administration
Gig Economy/Independent Contractor
Did You Know? The American Rescue Plan Act Includes a Mandatory COBRA Subsidy Provision that Imposes New Obligations on Employers
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DOL Proposes to Scrap Employer-Friendly Independent Contractor Rule
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Update: DOL Officially Delays Newly Published Rule on Independent Contractors
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Employees Splitting Working Time Between the Office and Home? The DOL Reminds Employers About the Rules on When Commute Time is Compensable in the New Age of Telework
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DOL Proposes Delaying Newly Published Rule on Independent Contractors
Gig Economy/Independent Contractor
Better Late Than Never: How Employers May (Finally) Benefit from Recent Changes to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
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US DOL Issues New Enforcement Guidance on Electronic Workplace Posters and Telemedicine under the FMLA
remote webinar
A Cautionary Tale for Retirement Plan Sponsors' Avoidable Late Filing Penalties
Supreme Court’s Sulyma Decision Creates Proof of Actual Knowledge Issue for Plan Fiduciaries
Critical Update for Employers: US Department of Labor Significantly Narrows the Definition of “Health Care Provider” for Purposes of Exempting Employees from Paid Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
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DOL Says That Parents Who Opt Out of In-Person Learning Cannot Use Paid FFCRA Leave, But May Use the Leave for Remote Days Where a School is Using a Hybrid Model
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Southern District of New York’s Decision to Invalidate Health Care Provider Exclusion and Work Availability Requirement of FFCRA May Have Implications for Connecticut
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Pandemic Pandemonium (Summer Vacation Edition): How the Governor’s Latest Executive Order Complicates FFCRA Leave for Employers
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Don’t Ask: New Department of Labor Guidance Restricts Employers from Requiring Documentation from Employees Seeking Paid Leave Under the FFCRA
The Latest Guidance on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and Paid Leave (and Some Common Questions)
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EEOC Issues More Guidance on ADA and the Coronavirus
The Scope of the “Health Care Providers” Exclusion from the FFCRA Leave Laws
COVID workers
Families First Coronavirus Relief Act Notice Must Be Posted by April 1, 2020 – DOL Poster Should Be Posted at Worksites AND Emailed or Mailed to Teleworking Employees
Use of FMLA Leave for Parental Attendance at PPT/IEP Meetings for Special Education Students? The Department of Labor Says "Yes."
One Last 2019 Act from the Connecticut General Assembly: A December “Special Session” and the Tip Credit
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Pay for Work Performed by Non-Exempt Employees: Does “Hours Worked” Include a Few Extra Minutes?
Third And Long-- Former Villanova Wide Receiver Fights Uphill Battle To Establish Employee Status Under FLSA
Fiduciary Rule Update – SEC to Consider Broker Dealer and Investment Adviser Standards
New US DOL Pilot Program Aims to Resolve FLSA Disputes More Quickly
March is Women’s History Month: A Look at 3 Laws Protecting the Rights of Women in the Workplace
The Regular Rate of Pay May Not Be As Obvious As It Seems
Overtime Update
Making Sure Your At-Will Employees Remain At-Will
New Study Suggests Drug Use in Our Workforce is on the Rise ….How Can Employers Protect Themselves and Their Employees?
How Does the Withdrawal of the DOL’s 2015 and 2016 Informal Guidance on Joint Employment and Independent Contractors by Trump’s Secretary of Labor Impact Employers?
The Law Governing Unpaid Interns, Part II: Rights Under Federal and State Nondiscrimination Laws
Dueling Time Cards: The Appellate Court Provides Guidance On Resolving Unpaid Wage Claims
It’s Almost Summer! Time to Review the Law Governing Interns, Part I
Second Circuit Identifies Outer Limits of NLRA-Protected Speech
Is Disloyalty Its Own Reward?
EEOC: Harassment Continues to be a Serious Problem in the Workplace
Employment-Related Effects of New Executive Orders on Immigration
Can FMLA Leave Ever Be Used for the Flu?
Finding Ways to Sue
The Department of Labor Opines That The Fair Labor Standards Act Sets The Floor With Respect To Wage Standards For Disabled Workers
Can a Single Employee Go On Strike Against a Non-Union Company?
News Update: Texas Judge Enjoins Enforcement of U.S. DOL’s Overtime Rule Set to Take Effect on Dec. 1
Where Do the Presidential Candidates Stand on Employment Visas?
An Example of the Interplay Between State and Federal FMLA
Update on the Employment Application Process and Background Checks
The ABC’s Of Worker Classification Are Once Again Before The Connecticut Supreme Court
Coming To A Workplace Near You: “Legal” Bi-Weekly Pay, Direct Deposit and Pay Cards
Government Releases New Overtime Exemption Rule
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Travel Time Is Paid Time, Sometimes
Employers Have Flexibility in Applying the Professional Exemption
Another Loss for the Claim That College Athletes Are Employees
The Return of “Mental-Mental:” Will Workers Compensation Again Be Extended to Cover Emotional Trauma?
Latest Developments from the Connecticut General Assembly: February 16th Public Hearing
Risks In Being A Joint Employer
A Tip for Employers: Be Aware of How the Department of Labor Interprets Its Regulations
What Does the Unemployment Rate Actually Tell Us?
Once An Employee - Never A Volunteer
Unpaid Summer Internships Are A Bad Deal - For Employers
New Guidance - Is that Rollover Contribution Valid?

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Alerts, commentary, and insights from the attorneys of Pullman & Comley’s Labor, Employment Law and Employee Benefits practice on such workplace topics as labor and employment law, counseling and training, litigation, union issues, as well as employee benefits and ERISA matters.

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