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Posts in Employee Benefits.
Reminder: July 31 Is the PCORI Fee Remittance Deadline for Self-Insured Health Plans
Self-Insured Health Plans
A New Way to Count Participants in Individual Account Retirement Plans
Retirement Plan Puzzle Picture
Secure Act 2.0 Creates Greater Opportunities for Self-Correction of Retirement Plans
Retirement Plan
Connecticut Extends Deadline for Employers to Comply With Mandatory Retirement Savings Program
Retirement Savings Jar with coins
Secure Act 2.0 Changes to Required Minimum Distributions
Reduce Your Risk of Employment Claims in 2023 - Tips #3 and #4
Claims with man behind it
FTC Proposes Rule Banning Covenants Not to Compete
No Extended Secure Act Amendment Period for Section 457(b) Plans Sponsored by Tax-Exempt Entities: Amendments Due December 31, 2022 for Calendar Year Plans
457(b) plan
IRS Provides Required Minimum Distribution Relief for 2021 and 2022
Required Minimum Distribution
ERISA Plan Sponsors:  DOL Investigation Defense: Adopt Solid Cybersecurity Protocols
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New IRS Pre-Examination Retirement Plan Compliance Program 
IRS with Magnifying Glass
The Aftermath: Developments from the 2022 Session of the Connecticut General Assembly Affecting Employers
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Procrastination = Exposure; Update Your Leave Policies Now!
Time to Update
January 1 Brings Big Changes to CT’s Family and Medical Leave Law. Is Your Company Ready?
Did You Know? The American Rescue Plan Act Includes a Mandatory COBRA Subsidy Provision that Imposes New Obligations on Employers
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A Reminder for 401(k) Plan Sponsors and Administrators: The Effective Date for the SECURE Act’s Long-Term Part-Time Eligibility Rule is Rapidly Approaching
The Scope of the “Health Care Providers” Exclusion from the FFCRA Leave Laws
COVID workers
CMS FAQ re Essential Health Coverage and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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New York Employers, Beware of What You Ask Your Applicants and Employees: New York City’s Salary History Inquiry Ban
Some Workers Compensation Principles That Are Often Misunderstood
“CURES ACT” Authorizes Small Employers to Reimburse Employees for Health Insurance Costs
Can a Single Employee Go On Strike Against a Non-Union Company?
Supreme Court Reaffirms Workers Compensation Exclusivity
There Are Limits to Connecticut’s Employee Free Speech Law
House Passes Small Business Healthcare Relief Act
Latest Developments from the Connecticut General Assembly: The Labor and Public Employees Committee Speaks
Deadline Extended For ACA Information Reporting Forms
2014 Seminar Speaker Announced
2014 Labor, Employment, Employee Benefits and Immigration Law Seminar
Connecticut Law Requires Employers to Adopt Cafeteria Plans

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Alerts, commentary, and insights from the attorneys of Pullman & Comley’s Labor, Employment Law and Employee Benefits practice on such workplace topics as labor and employment law, counseling and training, litigation, union issues, as well as employee benefits and ERISA matters.

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