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Posts in The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Your Attorney Cannot Always Shield You From the FOIA
Welcome To The Board: What New Board Members Need To Know About The FOIA
So How Much Time Do Public Agencies Have to Respond to Voluminous FOIA Requests?
A Look In Through the Out Door: The FOIA and Employee Exit Interviews   
Exit Interview
Permanent Changes to the FOIA Regarding Remote and Hybrid Meetings
Remote Meeting
More Pandemic-Era Meeting Issues: Practical Concerns and Pointers
remote meeting 2
The FOIA and the Pandemic: New (temporary?) Provisions on "Remote" and "Hybrid" Meetings for Public Agencies
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Governor Lamont's Executive Order and the FOIA's "Open Meetings" Requirements
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Student E-Mails, FERPA and FOIA: What School Districts Must Disclose (and When)?
Understanding Connecticut's FOIA
Can There be a “Meeting” Under the FOIA in the Absence of a Quorum? The Appellate Court Just Spoke (but stay tuned).
So You Want To Hire A New Superintendent: What Does The FOIA Permit (And Require)?
Pullman attorney authors book on Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Does Providing A Parent With The Surveillance Video Of A School Incident And/Or Student Statements About The Incident That Involved Multiple Students Violate FERPA?
Latest Developments from the Connecticut General Assembly: The Education Committee Begins to Speak
Don't Picture This: The FOIA And The Use Of Smartphones As A Substitute For Paying For Copies
Foliage, Frost, Frozen Ponds and The FOIA (Part Three): Trying To Do The Right Thing Is A Good Thing Under The FOIA
Foliage, Frost, Frozen Ponds And The FOIA (Part Two): Can You See My Notes (And Calendar)?
Foliage, Frost, Frozen Ponds and The FOIA: More Interesting Cases From The FOIC (Part One)
Drafting Agendas: Three Reasons to be More Specific than “Attorney-Client Privileged Communication – Executive Session Anticipated”
So You Need A New Board Member: Legal Concerns When Filling Vacancies
Attorneys Are Not So Special After All: The FOIA and the Need for Specific Agenda Items
FOIA is FUN: Somewhat Recent Reminders from the Freedom Of Information Commission
The FOIA, Charter Schools and "Charter Management Organizations:" The FOIC and the Legislature (Sort Of) Speak
Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About The Attorney-Client Privilege and The FOIA But Were Afraid to Ask: The Latest
Presidential Politics, E-Mail, And The FOIA: Why It Should Matter To You
When a Meeting is Not a Meeting, at Least According to the FOIC
Let's Go To The Videotape: Can School Security Videos Be Subject To Disclosure Under FOIA?
Attorneys Michael McKeon, Mark Sommaruga and Zachary Schurin To Speak at 2014 CABE/CAPSS Convention
How to Respond to FOIA Requests For Overall Teacher Summative Ratings?
Use Of Police Reports By School District In The Aftermath Of The Supreme Court's Recent Ruling
How Will The State Department of Education’s New Charter School Oversight Policies Be Implemented?
Loose Lips Sink Ships: The Limits of the Attorney-Client Privilege and the Dangers of “Public” Reliance Upon Your Attorney’s Opinions
Just The Facts: Charter Schools (and Cutting Through Some Myths and Hot Air)
Tales From The Green Room: My FOIA Book, My Television Interview and Why Public Agencies Should Care
Warning-Your E-mail Just Became a Meeting: Mauer v. Member, Board of Education, Regional School District No. 1 and The Dangers of Using The “Send”, “Reply“ and (Especially) “Reply All” Buttons
The FOIA and Superintendent Evaluations: Toensing and The Various Components of The Evaluation
SEMINAR: "Special Education Law in Connecticut"
OOPS and the FOIA, Part 2: Dacey v. Easton Board of Education and the Need For a Subcommittee to Comply With The FOIA
Oops and the FOIA, Part One; Kadri v. Groton Board of Education and Protections From the Accidental Disclosure of Attorney-Client Privileged Documents
School District's Refusal to Release Bullying Investigation Report Upheld
New Board Members’ Homework

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